Highlights of the Union Budget 2024 - Special focus on Education, Employment & Skilling


Highlights of the Union Budget 2024 presented by Nirmala Sitharaman on July 23rd, 2024 in the areas of employment, internship and skilling (extract from the Budget Speech)
1. Internship in Top Companies -
This scheme will provide internship opportunities in 500 top companies to 1 crore youth in 5 years. They will gain exposure for 12 months to real-life business environment, varied professions and employment opportunities. An internship allowance of Rs. 5,000 per month along with a one-time assistance of Rs. 6,000 will be provided. Companies will be expected to bear the training cost and 10 percent of their internship costs from their corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds. The application process will be through an online portal.
2. First Timers -
This scheme will provide one-month wage to all persons newly entering the workforce in all formal sectors. The direct benefit transfer of one-month salary in 3 instalments to first-time employees, as registered in the EPFO, will be up to Rs. 15,000. The eligibility limit will be a salary of Rs. 1 lakh per month. The scheme is expected to benefit 210 lakh youth.
3. Job Creation in Manufacturing - 
This scheme will incentivize additional employment in the manufacturing sector, linked to the employment of first-time employees. An incentive will be provided at specified scale directly both to the employee and the employer with respect to their EPFO contribution in the first 4 years of employment. The scheme is expected to benefit 30 lakh youth entering employment, and their employers.
4. Support to Employers for PF -
This scheme will cover additional employment in all sectors. All additional employment within a salary of Rs. 1 lakh per month will be counted. The government will reimburse to employers up to Rs. 3,000 per month for 2 years towards their EPFO contribution for each additional employee. The scheme is expected to incentivize additional employment of 50 lakh persons.
5. Participation of Women in the Workforce -
This scheme will facilitate higher participation of women in the workforce through setting up of working women hostels in collaboration with industry, and establishing creches. In addition, the partnership will seek to organize women-specific skilling programmes, and promotion of market access for women SHG enterprises.
6. Skilling Programme - 
This scheme aims at skilling in collaboration with state governments and Industry. 20 lakh youth will be skilled over a 5-year period. 1,000 Industrial Training Institutes will be upgraded in hub and spoke arrangements with outcome orientation. Course content and design will be aligned.
Union Finance Minister Sitharaman in her Budget speech has proposed the creation of employment of about 4.1 crore youth over the next five years. Towards it, the finance minister said that the Government has allocated Rs. 2 lakh crore.