PTI, Business standard

FinMin invites industry views on taxes, compliance laws


A recent report by Business Standard highlights these developments, emphasizing the government's commitment to improving the business environment and boosting economic growth by simplifying tax compliance and making the tax system more efficient.


The Finance Ministry has invited sugges- production, prices, and revenue implications on direct and indirect taxes and tion of the changes suggested. changes in laws to reduce compliances for

The request for correction of inverted the 2024-25 Budget from trade and indus- duty structure would have to be supported try value addition at each stage of manufacturing.


The suggestions are to be sent to the facturing of the commodity ministry by June 17 and the full Budget for With regard to direct taxes, the ministry

2024-25 is expected to be presented in said the suggestions could be also on Parliament in the second of July.reducing compliances, providing tax

The suggestions could include changes tainty and reducing litigations. in the duty structure, rates and ideas

It said the government policy broadening of tax base on both direct and in the medium term is to phase indirect taxes giving economic justification out tax incentives, deductions and exemp-for the same, according to the ministry, while simultaneously rationalising

For changes in customs and excise rates of tax.